White Orchard Contracts
Contract: Devil by the Well
Velen Contracts
Contract: Jenny o’ the Woods
Contract: Missing Brother
・Contract: Mysterious Tracks
・Contract: Patrol Gone Missing
Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route
Contract: Shrieker
Contract: Swamp Thing
Contract: The Beast of Honorton
・Contract: The Griffin from the Highlands
・Contract: The Merry Widow
・Contract: The Mystery of the Byways Murders
・Contract: The Woodland Beast(Novigrad?)

Novigrad Contracts
・Contract: An Elusive Thief
・Contract: Deadly Delight
・Contract: Doors Slamming Shut
・Contract: Lord of the Wood
・Contract: The Apiarian Phantom
・Contract: The Creature from Oxenfurt Forest
・Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk
・Contract: The White Lady

Skellige Isles Contracts
・Contract: Dragon
・Contract: Here Comes the Groom
・Contract: Missing Miners
・Contract: Missing Son
・Contract: Muire D’yaebien
・Contract: Skellige’s Most Wanted
・Contract: Strange Beast
・Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg
・In the Heart of the Woods(Check whether monster hunts?)
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